Mapping Possibilities VI


What do we do? Mapping Possibilities is an ongoing collective project of audio/visual performances. The collective gives DIY/self-taught/experimental artists a chance to present their work, expanding its public exposure. To keep a dynamic spirit we try to present new line-ups in each performance. How do we do it? Each performance is the product of collaboration between audio artists and visual artists, who work together to explore different possibilities on the conceptual and technical levels. The performance relies on cutting edge production technologies and offers new ways of digital production. What to expect in Mapping Possibilities? In this collective, visual artists focus on generative and interactive real-time visual experimentation using coding, open source programming platforms, and alongside more traditional media such as video and 3D animation. While sound artists take a more sound-oriented approach, featuring non-dance electronic music (i.e. abstract, noise, drone, ambient, glitch, IDM, experimental, . . . etc.). Mapping Possibilities VI is presented in collaboration with Pro Helvetia Cairo, the liaison office of the Swiss Arts Council. Swiss artists Dominik Grenzler & Niculin Barandun are arriving to Cairo, especially for that night, to take part in the second event in Pro Helvetia Cairo’s Jubilee music program, commemorating 30 years of the office’s operations in the Arab world. The program started last month with a concert for Swiss duo OY. First performance: Ismael. [Audio] + Niculin Barandun [Visuals] Second performance: AN MOKU [Audio] + Mostafa El Baroody [Visuals]