
What is Fragment?

Fragment is a dual looper device (developed in collaboration with Puremagnetik) with pitch shifting, phrase modulation and more. It is a simple and fun dual looping device designed to generate new, modulating fragments of your input audio. It’s a quick way to sketch out some new ideas and help formulate unique sound phrases.

The plug-in comes free with An Moku’s Less – out now on Puremagnetik Tapes. Less is name-your-price on Bandcamp through April 23rd. Download instructions are included with the Bandcamp album download.


This is a walkthrough on Fragment and a quick presentation on how I am using this wonderful little plug-in device. Enjoy the lo-fi 😉

Fragment was inspired by my customized looper pedal that I used throughout the production of Less. The device can record two loops, pitch shift them up and down 24 semitones, set modulating start/end times and fluctuate all of these parameters with volume. The “Fragment” parameter modulates everything randomly, yet slowly, to create swells and generative automation. Enjoy Fragment…

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